Import configuration from Xilog and Xilog Plus

Import configuration from XILOG / XilogPlus (release < 1.12):

all needed files to import the configuration in PARTNER/ASPAN are located into the folder CFG located into Xilog installation directory (example: C:\Xilog3\Cfg or C:\Program Files\Scm Group\Xilog Plus\Cfg). If PARTNER/ASPAN is not installed directly into Machine PC or the folder is not accessible via LAN make a copy of the entire folder Cfg and save it into a temporary directory in the PC where PARTNER/ASPAN is installed to proceed with the import.

Open PARTNER/ASPAN and from the supervisor environment execute the menu command "Machine > Configuration > import".


(select the folder where cfg files are located)



(select the numerical control type from the list and click import to start the procedure)




Import configuration from Xilog Plus

To import the machine configuration and tooling for machines with XilogPlus release 1.12 (or major), are required EXT files. EXT files are generated automatically by the XilogPlus in the directory specified in its configuration:

  • in XilogPlus open Machine configuration conf_macchina;
  • select the configuration folder then DXF settings.
  • Search for the row named "Directory" (almost at the end of the list);
  • insert the name on an existing directory;



  • save and close XilogPlus;
  • now you can retrieve EXT files needed by PARTNER/ASPAN in the directory previously specified;

Terminated the creation of the EXT files, open PARTNER/ASPAN and execute the menu command "Machine > Configuration > Import", select the directory where configuration file in EXT format is saved (config.ext), and import it in PARTNER/ASPAN using the same procedure described above for minor releases of Xilog, with the only difference that when prompted for import path select the directory where the EXT files are located.

Once imported the configuration, you can import machine tooling using the menu command "Machine > Tooling > Import" (def.tlg file or for releases major than 1.12 the file named def.ext).



Important: to import Machine configuration in ASPAN you have to use the primary key. This is not required to import tooling. Machine Configuration import is required only for the first configuration of the program so after this operation it is possible to use the secondary key.

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