Hardlock keys

There are two types of hardlock keys (USB or LPT) (pic.1).




In both cases, if the text of the label is black (a) the key is a normal customer's key. If the text on the label is red (b) the key is dealer/educational and so not for sale.


customer key
(a) customer key
dealer/educational key
(b) dealer/educational key


In addition to the primary key, it is possible to have one or more secondary keys which can be identified by the A letter, within brackets, after the serial number (Pic.2).

These keys have some limitations than to the primary, for example, can not be used to make software installations.


chiave_secondaria pic.2 (secondary key)


It is recommended to take care of the security key.
The theft or loss equivalent to the loss of the license to use the software and you will need to purchase a new license according to the current price list. We recommend that you take out an insurance agency, an insurance electronics / covering this risk.


How to install the hardlock key driver >>

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