Hardlock key drivers installation

To proceed with the manual installation/remove of the USB KEY Drivers, please refer to the following instructions:


The latest hardlock-key drivers can be downloaded from Sentinel's official website:

download hardlock key driver (Win7 - Win10) >>

(legacy) download hardlock key driver (WinXP) >>


Please copy the file downloaded 'haspdinst.exe' within the following folder:
(overwrite existing file)


To install the driver:

1. Ensure that your Windows user account has administrator rights;

2. Execute the Commands Prompt with administrator rights as described below;

Note: If you do not have the 'Run as administrator' option, please contact the system administrator to access this functionality.

• In the search field of the START menu write: cmd;

• In the search result list click with the right mouse button and choose the option 'Run as administrator'.



• Open the START menu write "cmd"

• The search feature of Windows 8 will display the command prompt option. Right-click on it and select the option 'Run as administrator'.



• Open the START menu write cmd

• The search feature of Windows will display the command prompt option. Right-click on it and select the option 'Run as administrator'.




3. Clean up any previously installed driver:

Enter the following command (this must be done from the command prompt):

C:\ATS\PARTNER-ASPAN\UTL\haspdinst.exe -purge -remove

Wait a few seconds for the operation to complete and then proceed with the installation of the new drivers.


4. Install the driver:

Enter the following command (this must be done from the command prompt):

C:\ATS\PARTNER-ASPAN\UTL\haspdinst.exe -install


This will start the driver installation procedure. Wait a few moments until it finishes.


5. When the driver installation is complete, click on the OK button of the dialog that will appear.
Now it is possible to insert the hardware key to finalize the driver installation.

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